Are you a Diet Gambler with Dr. Gregory Tefft

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Are you a Diet Gambler with Dr. Gregory Tefft

Are you curious as to why what you eat does not have you looking like a celebrity even when you eat like them and do their ” quick diets that promise to bring results? Have tried this diet or that diet only to have limited success or no success at all? Are you a “diet gambler?” Have you ever heard of personalized nutrition? Did you know that you are a unique individual and your body has unique nutritional needs? Would you like to know a secret that celebrities and athletes use to get them looking good and in tip top shape without diet gambling? Dr. Gregory Tefft is going to share with us the secrets that have allowed his celebrity clients to get in top form quickly and healthy without any tricks or fad dieting. Join us to learn how you can look and feel your best and stop using yourself as a diet gambler.

Dr. Gregory Tefft is giving a discount of 52% off a test he does for his clients for their personalized nutrition program.

The website it is available at is:

Discount code: 320CA1006

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Dr. Greg Tefft likes to say he was his own first case history in personalized nutrition. Even as a seven-year-old champion swimmer, he became convinced that by using nutrition and exercise, he could custom design a one-of-a-kind body built to help him achieve his goals of being a World Class Swimmer and Track and Field Athlete. He just missed a spot on the Olympic Swim Team in 1972, and then the 1976 Track and Field team. His drive to excel followed into adult life as a powerlifter-turned-bodybuilder, when he became a three-time Natural Mr. America (meaning without steroids)—never done before in history!

But despite his success and commitment to healthy living and proper nutrition, Dr. Tefft suddenly found himself hospitalized, unable to breathe at the pinnacle of his bodybuilding career. It turned out to be asthma — standardized medicine provided no real cure and no permanent relief. After hearing Dr. Carlton Fredericks, an early leader in alternative health on a radio show, Dr. Tefft pursued a course of testing that was beyond the scope of traditional medicine. These test results showed his body was suffering from high chlorine and mercury levels, plus he proved deficient in a many vitamins, minerals and critical substances that his body wasn’t absorbing. After correcting these issues using chelation therapy, supplementation and a prescription diet, his asthma was gone.

This experience led him on a quest to go beyond conventional medicine to find the root cause-and-effect issues to help people find the specific keys to their personalized health. Dr. Tefft has been treating patients since 1984 as a board-certified naturopathic physician, chiropractic doctor and drugless physician, He is a former Sports Medicine Staff Member for the 1984 U.S. Olympic Team, the U.S. National Swim Team, the Race Across America, and other elite sports organizations, along with being head clinical nutritionist for the famous Malibu Health & Rehabilitation Center.
Today, he is best known as the World’s Leading Expert in Personalized Nutrition, a field he pioneered. Dr. Tefft is a renowned clinical bio-nutritionist, teacher, wellness practitioner, speaker and author. His book Your Personal Life, Measuring What Your Body Needs to Live Lean, Long, Strong & Better is an international bestseller. Lauded as the “Mind-Body Connector” by Weider Publications, his clientele includes celebrities, Olympic athletes, and average people who want to be their best.

Ending the guesswork in treating illness and bringing people into maximum health is why he launched Arbor Vitae Nutrition, which brings his unique system of geno-metabolic nutritional testing–based on more than 60 years of orthomolecular medical research—to people in an affordable and convenient way. Instead of costly, multiple tests and lots of speculation and/or guesswork, individuals can quickly know what their exact prescription for optimum health — weight reduction, greater longevity, higher performance, more energy and the end of feeling powerless.

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Are you a Diet Gambler with Dr. Gregory Tefft Reviewed by on December 14, 2016 .

Are you curious as to why what you eat does not have you looking like a celebrity even when you eat like them and do their ” quick diets that promise to bring results? Have tried this diet or that diet only to have limited success or no success at all? Are you a “diet


Rochele is the President of The Health, Healing & Wellness Company founded to bring holistic health and wellness into the lives of individuals seeking a natural path to wellness. Rochele’s energy, guidance and enthusiasm have helped thousands of people improve their health and wellness, holistically and naturally.